A Relationship with the Creator

blog Prophecology

A Relationship with the Creator

The new generation of Israelites were given a chance to be in a relationship with the Lord. According to God’s covenant with Abraham, He gave the new generation a space where they can obey Him. Numbers 15 is a wonderful sequel to Numbers 14. The unbelief and disobedience of the older generation broke their relationship with God. A relationship with God means experiencing the good purpose God has designed for us, and as we read, they were not allowed to step into the Promised Land.

According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, we were created “to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.” The process of entering the Promised Land was part of His purpose. When the people trust God, He can show them how He is powerful enough to overcome the giants the spies saw. He can show to them His glory once more.

In the Promised Land, they can enjoy the bounty of the land. From this bounty, they can begin to offer sacrifices to Him. They can enjoy a rich fellowship with a Living God. The nature of God’s purpose is ultimately to give His people an abundant and joyful life.

The Lord demands a substantial offering once the Israelites enter the Promised Land. An ox was the equivalent of a car in the ancient world. Imagine taking your car in church as an offering. However, the grandiosity of the offering only shows us that the land was rich, and they can afford it. The animal sacrifices were not cheap. Even the commitment to bring in the first of every batch of dough meant offering on a daily or weekly basis. It would be like setting up another place at the table for God. Instead, the offering was directly given to the priests, upon His command. God can demand such things because He knew he already provided for these offerings beforehand. In the same way, God would not ask for glorious things from you without knowing that you can afford it.

On top of the mandatory offerings, many of the offerings in Numbers 15 were voluntary, not compulsory, and there was certainly no rule that established how large the cake offered from the first of the dough had to be. However, having the correct perspective of God changes one’s attitude toward giving. God is the Source of everything. If they truly recognized Him as the source, then the question will not be, “Do I have to give?” Instead, it must be, “How much am I able to give?” It’s a cliché, but it’s the truth that we can never out-give God.

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