February 27, 2023 2023-04-24 11:26AWARENESS OF GOD’S GLORY
Awareness of God’s glory increases the more we learn about God. The more our eyes become opened to His splendor and glory. Here are the distinctions of God’s glory – glimpses of what humans will never fully know. How do we recognize the presence of God’s splendor in our lives?
Being outflowing is one of the aspects of experiencing the Lord’s splendor. Being a donor is a quality of being outflowing. It is about appreciating your blessings so that you can bless others. You look at your resources and ask yourself, “What can I do to the Lord’s Kingdom today?”
The truth is you can be completely selfless when you genuinely feel the Lord’s glory. Moreover, you can concentrate on helping others. Also, you can have a sense of abundance, and you understand that what you put out returns back to you and multiplies.
Awareness of God’s Glory Gives You Clarity
When the Lord’s splendor falls upon you, your life becomes clear. You can’t live a life full of possibilities if you’re stuck in a rut of negativity. You cannot hold onto unforgiveness when you have experienced Jesus’ forgiveness. God’s glory breaks down your brokenness until you become a space for something new. The “weight” or hakkw of God’s presence in your life frees you from the emotions, thoughts, and mindsets that lead to sin.
Being a clearing is not the same as blaming others or whining about the unpleasant things in your life. It is instead about accepting responsibility for the decisions you have made. Moreover, it is about being shown where you have gone wrong and responding godly. In fact, it is about imagining a world filled with love and openness. It has nothing to do with being defensive or apathetic.
The weight of the Lord’s presence also restores your integrity. An abundance of healing accompanies his grandeur. It is about recognizing and fixing what is damaged, misaligned, and inauthentic in your life. It’s not about making excuses or downplaying the gravity of sin. It is instead about restoration, unity with God, and sincerity.
Awareness of God’s Glory Gives You Hope
The glory of God provides you with a glimpse of the future. Your visualization abilities are stimulated, allowing you to see beyond the present and past. You see things from the wealth of God’s love and grace rather than the limits of your circumstances. When you visualize, you are teaching your mind to create. You prioritize what you want over what you don’t want. You seize control of your ideas and force them to submit to Jesus’ Lordship.
In the last chapter, we discussed how glory derived from many Hebrew terms that signify praise, such as hâlal (“to shine” or “to praise”), shâbach (“to address in a loud tone”), and ôhar (“to praise”) (to clarify). The presence of God also permits you to make life affirmations. Affirmation is about making room for possibilities in all aspects of your life, including your faith, identity, relationships, business, and purpose. Consider all the areas you have always identified as lacking or broken. The presence of God’s splendor is all about declaring affirmations that establish a new context for your life.
“If you can dream it, you can do it,” Walt Disney famously said. Declaring what you can do in the Lord Jesus clears your mind about where you are now and where the Lord will take you in the future, given the abundance that He has made available to you.
When God blesses you with a vision, you must respond with faith.
1 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
4 So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he passed out of Haran. (Genesis 12:1-4)
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