blog Prophecology



“Spiritual but not religious,” (McClure, 2017)—that is how millennials often times refer to themselves when asked of their religious beliefs. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, this generation is the most exposed to the vast depository of information—the internet. With that being said, the millennial generation, in turn, is the most exposed to a broader array of religious beliefs and traditions.  This gives them options and means to explore more than what their ‘regular’ church has been offering.

Technology has been used by movements to reach out and expand their teachings.

Although the internet isn’t necessarily considered an entirely reliable source of information, it is the most widely used medium to disseminate information to a larger audience. Somewhat, it has the same impact as that of traditional media live television, radio, and print. It is cheaper and reaches farther, faster.

Technology has been used by movements to reach out and expand their teachings. For instance, as mentioned by Barbara Curtis (2018), Oprah rolled out an online class to promote the New Age Religion. She once mentioned that although born a Baptist, she outgrew the belief that the Catholic church is saying Jesus is the only way to reach the Almighty Father. That there are other ways to build a relationship with God.

If we consider how the millennials’ way of thinking, the proposition, such as the one pushed by the New Age sounds really enticing and it piques their naturally curious nature. Since ideas like this are readily available, it gives the youth another option to fill their spirituality without being present in the Sunday church service.


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