Call It Forth


Call It Forth

Some women desire husbands, but have not made a husband yet with their words. You have to speak him into existence. Your mate does not exist yet in your life, because that is a word that you have not spoken forth yet.


When you start to speak the word forth, that word will seek to be made flesh, and that word will seek to dwell among you, so that you can behold the glory as the only begotten of the father. Father does not only suggest the Heavenly Father, as an old man sitting on the throne with a long white beard. Father simply means the originator.


The only begotten of the father, or the only begotten of the original thought, which you are. God made you in his image and after his likeness as a mind, so that you can beget sons, which are better known as ideas. Now, I want to ask you this, how many children do you have? All of your ideas are your babies. If you do not like the babies that are around you, reform those ideas in your mind. An unruly child means you must train and discipline that child. You must train up your child in the way that he should go. When you do this, when that idea gets old or becomes mature, it will not depart from the training.


How many babies did you make today? That is why you have to be careful who you fellowship with. Whoever talks to you is having intercourse with you. I know that may be a bit deep, but it’s true. Everyone you talk to is trying to penetrate you, mentally. Everyone you talk to is trying to take your virgin mind. That is why the Bible says, “Take heed to what you hear.” Your ear has a hole in it so a seed can go down into it. Why do you think your ear is shaped like an embryo? Do you think that your ear’s shape is coincidental?

Your body parts are messengers. That is why, when two people come together, just talking, something is born that could not have been born unless those two people came together and out comes an idea. These are divine laws. When you start living at this level, now you have to be watchful to what you listen to. Why do you think there are copyright laws, trademarks, trying to claim who the daddy is? They are making babies. An invention is a baby you just made. You may raise a child that has always been good and well behaved. Suddenly, they get around someone else and they start acting stupid.


Some one else has put a seed in them that is growing, and you, as a parent, have to uproot that weed that was sown in your child’s mind. Somehow they fellowshipped with someone, and their words, went in through an opening of the eye-gate or the ear-gate. You may have seen it before. A person is doing well in a church, they talk to someone negative, and suddenly their cycle is broken. They were in church every Sunday, every Tuesday, and every Thursday and suddenly they are only in church once a month. Who broke their cycle? An unassuming neighbor spoke forth words into their souls.



Have you been looking for an open door to be used for the Lord’s Kingdom? Won’t it benefit you to operate in the prophetic in all areas of your life. This year, I want to gift you this FREE Course and experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

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