Consciousness: The Right Frame of Mind


Consciousness: The Right Frame of Mind

Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that shouldest go.

Isaiah 48:17



In order to prosper in life you need to be in the right frame of mind. And being in the right frame of mind is living in consciousness.  The Redeemer seeks to reposition you and get you in the right state of mind, reinstating your consciousness. Perhaps it would be better to say, reinstating your right consciousness. You were right to begin with; you became wrong. Because of the law of success, you have to become lost in order to be found. That is why the prodigal son, could only realize that he was in the wrong geographic location, after he came to himself.


So many people are looking in far away countries for their blessing. They believe that their blessing in far away in another land. Get your head out of the far country. The grass always looks greener on the other side. It always looks like things will go better if you can make a move somewhere else. It just seems that way. However, that is the mentality of the far country. What you must understand is that the vision of God is living within

you. You have to make a decision whether you are going to live in the far country or live in the father’s house.




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Recognizing that the vision of God lives within you, what can you do today about the desires fo your heart?



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