

You go into your secret closet. Do you know what you are entering when you go into your secret closet? You are entering your divine intuition, your subconscious. It is calling you into every man who seeks to clothe you. You will not second-guess your mother.

You will not second-guess your intuition. Intuition knows how to clothe the son. The subconscious is the mother, who is always clothing the son. 

Jesus’ first miracle, in John 2:1-9, was not something he achieved by his own effort. It was coached by divine intuition—his mother Mary. Jesus even argues with his intuition, saying, “Woman…my hour has not yet come” (v.4). His mother looks over at the people and says, “Whatever He says to you, do it” (v. 5). She starts setting the stage for the miracle even though Jesus isn’t consciously ready to perform a miracle, yet. 

The Lord is a spiritual Being. Because we are physical beings, we cannot fully comprehend the Lord. He would communicate with us through something we can handle. Unfortunately, we are so distracted that we miss out on what God is communicating with us. The Spirit of the Lord gives you the divine intuition. Have you ever felt you needed to do something, even if it doesn’t make sense? Did you follow it? If not, did you regret not following your divine intuition? What can you do to access your divine intuition on command? Maybe you need to set some time to meditate, to detach from everything that distracts, and to listen to the voice of God in your deepest mind.  

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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan prophesied the mind of God concerning this current pandemic and so many other world events in his book series, Written Judgments. Download the Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1 E-book. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season.

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Book: America's Original Sin, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan
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Zoe Ministries Magazine

In March 2019, Zoe Ministries Inc. launched a quarterly magazine entitled “Zoe Ministries Magazine” given out to the Master Prophet’s Blessing Plan members. The topics in the magazine covers wellness, technology, ministry, events, testimonials and exclusive interviews with Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan. Due to COVID-19, we have made the magazines available digitally on zoeministries.com. We recently released our newest March 2020 issue Sankofa: Zoe Ministries Celebrating 37 Years. All magazine issues are available for download here.

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Prophecology: The Podcast

In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more.

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