blog Prophecology


When beginning to operate in the realm of prophecy, there is a large mixture of our thoughts, impressions, and feelings that are competing with the mind of the Holy Spirit. Most of the time, the prophetic word we speak is a mixture of our own words and God’s words. In the beginning, in the more shallow end of the prophetic “pool,” we mostly speak with our words and some of God’s words. As we grow more in the Lord, we also yield more“mature” prophecies that become more of God’s words than our personal words.

Sometimes, God’s word is communicated in a much less than ideal fashion, meaning it can be unclear or revealed in portions. People who receive such a word may view it as a “weak word” of lesser value. However, this must not be despised because, as seen in the previous chapter, there is a progression of prophetic declaration.There are really no clear-cut standards for deciding if a person is at a certain level or exactly what the distinctions truly are.

Sometimes, people prophesy in biblical distinctions, while some do not. There are simply categories that allow us to communicate with each other more effectively. As individuals receive prophetic training, discipleship and the opportunity to move in the gift, they begin to develop their listening potential. They learn to filter out their own thoughts. They discern the voice of the enemy. They also learn to hold on to the word of God—less flesh is added in the message.

There is proper emphasis in the places the Lord puts emphasis upon. Thus, in the realm of prophetic ministry, there is less mixture—it’s mostly the Word of God. The person in this level of prophecy is growing into the gift and establishing credibility, and a good track record.

When a person with the gift of prophecy is tired, upset, or distracted, then the scale slides and the percent of God’s Word versus man’s word shifts. More of man’s word and mind are spoken, rather than of God’s. There is a cautionary note to know when to quit and when to rest in giving a prophetic word. A time of refreshing must be pursued, especially when the prophet is burnt out, so that we can receive a fresh word that purely comes from God.

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Generally speaking, reflect on the percentage of the prophetic words you’ve spoken this year that includes God’s word and

your own words/ideas.

 ____% God’s Word

 ____ % My Word/Ideas

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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan prophesied the mind of God concerning this current pandemic and so many other world events in his book series, Written Judgments. Download the Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1 E-book. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season.

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

In March 2019, Zoe Ministries Inc. launched a quarterly magazine entitled “Zoe Ministries Magazine” given out to the Master Prophet’s Blessing Plan members. The topics in the magazine covers wellness, technology, ministry, events, testimonials and exclusive interviews with Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan. Due to COVID-19, we have made the magazines available digitally on zoeministries.com. We recently released our newest March 2020 issue Sankofa: Zoe Ministries Celebrating 37 Years. All magazine issues are available for download here.

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Prophecology: The Podcast

In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more.

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