

Prophets are gifted with the living word—rhema—to the church. Your bible is full of words, which is alternatively known as the written word—logos. Have you ever experienced reading the bible and seeing or sensing words spring to life? The words are illuminated because this is what it is—an illumination process—a general revelation of the Word of God. This process is when the logos becomes a rhema—a life-giving word. Prophets are usually in the flow of rhema in their ministry (Rev. 2:29).

We need to listen to both what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church, not just what he already said through Scripture. Without a fresh word, we die from a religious death. This life-giving rhema comes through the prophetic gift. Thus, the prophet functions as a messenger of the life-giving word. Think about it. Without the life provided by Ezekiel’s prophetic voice, the valley would remain a valley of dry bones. His voice gave life to these words.

Another function of the prophet is to carry spiritual authority more and more as he goes further and deeper in the “pool of prophetic anointing.” They are needed to root out, pull down, and destroy spiritual opposition that gets in the way of God’s plans (Jer. 1:10). Prophets function to be spiritual reformers and revolutionaries. Spiritual opposition may make people nervous and will make them try to get rid of prophets or shut his mouth.

However, the prophet, by nature, would not stop warring against these spiritual forces. The prophet is also called to break plows. The Holy Spirit uses the five-fold ministry to spiritually plow even the hardest soils and cut through the deepest furrows in the heart of humanity. The prophet is equipped to prepare the way toward a spiritual breakthrough.

When the prophet speaks, people experience a stirring, perceive trouble, or feel offense. However, offenses are simply Satan’s bait to disconnect you from spiritual relationships. If you are being challenged, know that the Holy Spirit is doing something great in your midst. God will restore all things in His time.

Jonas Clark tells us that prophets also:

1. Are forerunners who make a way for “greater things” to come (Matthew 3:3).

2.  Deal with spiritual climates (Jeremiah 1:10).

3. Turn people from sin to holiness (Jeremiah 23:21-22).

4. Are front line intercessors (Jeremiah 27:18).

5. Turn the hearts of fathers and sons (Malachi4:56).

6. Challenge dead traditions of men and dangerous spirits of religion (Matthew 3:9-10).

7. Are stewards of the mysteries of God (Ephesians 3:5).

8. Carry lamentations, mourning, and woe (intercession burdens) (Ezekiel 2:10).

9. Are foretellers of things to come (Amos 3:7).

10. Contend with false prophets of divination including Jezebel and Baal (1 Kings 18:19).

11. Challenge demonic territorial guards (Acts 13:7).

12. Speak to the nations and kingdoms (Jeremiah 1:5).

The prophetic ministry is also in charge of teaching others how to move forward in their spiritual gifts of prophecy. The prophetic ministry must train up new generations of prophets. They are in charge of equipping and mentoring this next generation.

Be a part of this group: Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Who is God calling you to mentor in the prophetic ministry?

Ask God for a name.

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