


God’s perspective on work was that it was man’s duty. As an extension of God’s kingdom, the earth would need maintenance. The duty of man would be to take care of this realm. Man’s duty was more than work—it was his purpose. The purpose is life-long—a God-given duty that brings glory to God and an expression of worship to the creator.

Myles Munroe explained that God intended to extend His heavenly kingdom to the earthly realm. To do this, God planted a garden—Eden.

“As the sole and uncontested Creator and Ruler of all that is, God chose to expand His influence and domain from the spiritual to the natural and from the invisible to the visible by establishing on Earth a colony, or outpost, of Heaven. His plan was to populate this outpost with His own children—human beings created in His own image—who would live by and operate His heavenly Kingdom government in the earthly realm.”[i]



Have you found your purpose in life? What is it? Are you living this purpose? How well are you living it? Why are you not living it?


Is your purpose glorifying God?


Are you aware that you are Christ’s representative at your workplace? Are you representing well?


What financial mistakes have you made in the past? Which financial mistakes are you making now? How will you address these mistakes?


God’s Reward System

God shows His mercy towards all that turn to Him as a just judge. We can pick an example from the parable of the workers in the vineyard found in Matthew 20:1-16. In this parable, a landowner went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard, and they agreed to a wage of one denarius in a day. The master went out again in the third, sixth, and ninth hour, each bringing in laborers. Even at the eleventh hour, the master added more laborers who the master had not yet hired. When evening came, the master called all the servants and started paying them one denarius each, with those who came late. The earliest laborers expected more wages and complained when they all received a denarius. But the landowner reminded them of their agreement.

While the human workplace has set targets and different wage brackets, God’s standards are equal. This means that we can never be shortchanged or underpaid—two other reasons why people struggle with a life of paycheck to paycheck. Jesus is the true vine, and we are the branches. God is the vinedresser. If we bear fruit, the vinedresser continues to prune us and keep us well-sustained.

On the other hand, He cuts off any branch that does not bear fruit (Jn. 15). In God’s kingdom, fruitfulness is a requirement. In God, we will never receive unjust wages. All of us get equal and well-deserved rewards.


Are you living your life as someone who will face God on the last day? Are you productive for the kingdom of God?


[i] Munroe, Miles. Reclaiming God’s original purpose for your life. Destiny Image Publishers. (2012).




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