Is God calling you to be a prophetic intercessory?

blog Prophecology

Is God calling you to be a prophetic intercessory?

A prophet-intercessor is someone who has a five-fold ministry office of a prophet (Eph. 4:11-13) and is called primarily to intercessory prayer. A prophet who is an intercessory has greater level of authority in the prayer and prophetic ministry than an intercessory with a prophetic gift. A prophet-intercessor can be used by God to minister through prophecy and intercessory prayer in critical areas, such as nations or regions, government, businesses, and church movements.

Here is a quick checklist of the signs that you may be called to be a prophetic intercessor for your church:

 € You tend to pray more at times when you feel urged by the Holy Spirit (having ‘burden’ of prayer).

 € Prayer is easy for you when you sense that the Holy Spirit has given you a specific burden or assignment. On the other hand, you feel it more difficult to pray when people assign prayer to you as a task and give you a list of prayer points.

 € You receive revelation from the Holy Spirit concerning what to pray for and how to pray. You may receive prophetic insights concerning the situation you are praying about, to pass on or to pray further into.

 € You may be more spontaneous in the expression of your prayer gift than others who are gifted in prayer.

 € You have a strong sense of intimacy with the Holy Spirit when you pray—and this fuels your prayer life.

 € Labor is familiar to you—a sense of birthing the purposes of God—and you may have experienced wordless groans or weeping in your prayer times. In this, you can identify with Hannah (1 Sam. 1:10-13) and Elijah—who prayed for rain in the birthing position (1 Kgs.18:41-44).

 € You do not always need to have specific knowledge about what you are praying for. Sometimes you pray in the realm of ‘mystery’ (1 Cor 14:2). It is enough for you to know that the Spirit has called you to prayer.

 € When you have a prayer assignment, it may feel as though you are personally involved and invested in the situation. You may have a sense of identification in the Spirit with those you are praying for. You may feel what they are feeling, or sense God’s heart towards them, such as compassion, grief, or mercy.

 € You experience a deep sense of satisfaction in prayer—especially in being at the right place, at the right time for your God-given assignment to pray on behalf of a person, group, region, or situation.

 € You may be sent by God to be in certain places at particular times to intercede on behalf of a situation, person, or region, especially if you are a prophet-intercessor operating in a ‘prophetic office’ ministry.

Won’t it benefit you to operate in the prophetic in all areas of your life. This year, I want to gift you this FREE Course and experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Pray that you and your ministry would mature in the deeper levels of the prophetic realm.

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