

Commitment resides in your thoughts and your words; but, it is only made visible to other people through your actions. Commitment is the alignment of your intentions, words, and actions. Passion supports your commitment to achieve a  In any pursuit in life, commitment is a pre-requisite for success. The context by which you see your life also helps you stick with your commitment. Commitment stands first on the list of values and priorities of successful people. The ability to stand with your commitment differentiates the winners from the losers. Commitment makes the difference between the success and the failure of a group. The ability to uphold your commitment can make or break a relationship.


In marriage, for example, your marriage vows are a declaration of your commitment, love, and respect for the other person. Your intimacy as husband and wife is based on the promises that you have made to be with each other forever, for sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do you part. Once one party does something to break this commitment, the relationship is damaged. One way to dishonor your commitment is when one cheats on the other or if one abuses the other. When you dishonor your commitment to your spouse, you can end up in divorce. On the other hand, if you commit to your partner and you commit to be with each other through thick or thin, then your relationship becomes stronger.


When Human Resource officers are looking to hire people for their  company, they look for candidates who are able to commit. They usually ask how many years the person has stayed in his or her previous job. If the person has been job-hopping, there will be reason to question their ability to commit.


Be a part of this group: Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.


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