August 14, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12LEVELS OF REVELATION
There is no substitute for maturity and experience in the Lord. This state of being does not happen overnight. We are not seeking the understanding of science, a formula for knowing God’ voice. Instead, it’s a relationship with God by which we come to know His voice. There are two ways that we know other people—by their face and by their voice.
True spiritual maturity is developed when we spend time in the Lord’s presence. It is impossible to remain unchanged in God’s image by the glory we behold. Those who understand this concept devote themselves to seek God’s face, rather than God’s hand. Those who seek God’s face are after a genuine relationship with Him. In this relationship with God, believers understand that the Lord is the same today as He was in the beginning. God still communicates with His people in the same manner as He did from the beginning. It’s important to recognize that New Covenant prophets have a different purpose than their Old
Covenant counterparts. Nevertheless, they have the same gifts and connection with the Lord.
The levels of prophetic revelation that will be distinguished here may or may not relate to the importance of revelation. However, the level of prophetic revelation is mostly about the clarity with which they come, and therefore, how much confidence we can have in their purity.
The level of purity refers to how much of the prophecy is God’s word, as opposed to the prophet’s personal words. The confidence we have in a prophetic word depends on its purity. The lowest level of prophetic revelation is an impression.
The higher levels of prophetic purity usually come in the form of visions, dreams, and hearing the audible voice of God, as in angelic visitations, being caught up before the throne of God, and so forth. All of which can be found in biblical accounts and can still happen today.
Regardless of the greatness in clarity—high level of revelation—there is one basic understanding for a prophecy word is found in 1 Cor. 13:9, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part.” This verse means that no one has the entire picture or complete word, other than that which is found in the Bible.
If we’re going to have the whole picture of message, then we’re going to need the humility to work with others, to listen to others, and to put these parts and pieces that God revealed to a bunch of us together. In the Bible, the Lord said that He will not do anything without first revealing it with His servants, the prophets. We need to recognize that the Lord said “servants” and “prophets,” which are plural terms. Thus, the Lord will not reveal everything to a single prophet.
True and mature prophets are always found in groups, in fellowship with other prophets who they are constantly sharing and working with. They are not threatened or intimidated by other prophets. They share their lives with them and consider them spiritual family.
There may exist lone-ranger prophets, but like lone-ranger Christians, these individuals fail to stay committed in the Word of God because of the lack of committed fellowship with other believers. The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (Rom. 11:29), however, the prophetic gifts of those who grow with other prophets develop true prophetic integrity and sound doctrine.
These prophets need to develop accountability, and they experience these through mentoring and fellowshipping with other prophets. In order for your spiritual gifts to bear fruit, you must make sure that you are growing with others.
Be a part of this group: Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.