Money Cannot Buy Love
September 5, 2021 2023-04-05 19:13Money Cannot Buy Love
Money Cannot Buy Love
Money Cannot Buy Love
Where is your money script coming from?
Money cannot buy love is an expression many of us are very familiar with. Some Christians cannot tell the origin of their money script—whether from God’s Word or a person’s interpretation of God’s Word. In this situation, one can develop an attitude from another person and still think it comes from God. For instance, money avoidance can result from the belief that money is the root of all evil.
Among the challenges of money worship lies the thought that a person’s family will be happy with more money. Money chasers may eventually destroy their relationship with their spouse, children, or siblings in their quest to grow wealthier and cater to the needs of their loved ones. Love cannot be bought, and some people have learned this lesson the hard way.
Paul warned against the love of money, which led to some deviating from the faith due to greed and ended up piercing themselves with many sorrows (1 Tim. 6:10). The heart’s desire for money is the root cause of all evil, especially if one desires to earn money by all means necessary.
Most money-avoiding believers believe that wealth is wrong. In the same vein, others can never think that the wealthiest people can be Christians. This ideology ignores that wealth is more about following certain principles such as investing, saving, and giving.
Some people have the money script that others would love them if they gave them extravagant gifts or financial help. Meanwhile, have you ever felt you needed to be extraordinarily generous or be lavish in your assistance so that your loved ones would love you back? How did it feel, and what would you do to feed this mindset? Likewise, how do you think the “money can buy me love” script affects people’s decision-making regarding finances?
Simon, in his ignorance, tried to buy the Gift of the Holy Spirit from Peter. Peter responded: “May your money perish with you because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money” (Ac. 8:14-25). Simon had to seek forgiveness from God to avoid punishment for his wickedness.
Dear Lord,
I pray for freedom from the love of money. Lord, I trust You to provide everything I need and more abundantly. I do not need to be obsessed with chasing money.
In Jesus’ Name,
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