


Money disorders are passed down from parents to their children. Money avoidance disorder will come as a result of how parents act around money. Klontz describes Harris, a person who developed money avoidance because of receiving mixed messages about money from his parents. According to Harris, his parents had mixed money messages ranging from “you should have exactly what you want” to “you cannot have what you want.” Eventually, Harris grew up with budgeting difficulties and innately disconnected himself from money, deeming it unimportant.  Whenever Harris had tension arising from money, his way out was through denial. He had a hard time facing up to his financial realities. 

When someone grows in a background of poverty, they may develop money worship disorder or money status disorder. In both cases, the person believes that they will earn respect if they have more money. In such cases, behaviors such as overspending and oversharing may develop. Also, hostile behaviors such as arrogance may come in if the person is not careful. This instance is where people tend to say that money changes a person. Other people believe that money reveals the true nature of a person. At times you find stories of people who grew wealthy and became unlikeable and unapproachable. 

Time for reflection—which money disorder did you get from your parents? 


How did you or how are you overcoming this disorder? 


How has growing up influenced your worldview about money? 


The saying, “Money shows the true nature of a person,” is almost a cliché now. If you become as rich as your expectation, what would change about you? 


What gives you so much confidence that you wouldn’t be arrogant and proud? 


You know attitudes you don’t like about you. What concrete steps are you taking to get rid of these behaviors? 


What’s your opinion about people hiding their source of income from their spouses? 


Would you hide your source of income from your spouse? 


How are you dealing with financial stress? How should you deal with financial stress? 




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