blog Prophecology



As Christians, we have learned the power of praying scriptures and God’s promises in the Bible. We have been taught the Bible is the ultimate guide to life. Children in Sunday School learn about its stories through illustrations, with lessons that they can apply to their lives. Youth teachers refer to it when teenagers need guidance as they grow into this world full of temptation and vices. Pastors and preachers use it as their foundation to teach their congregation about God’s love, laws, and promises. Wesley and Stacy Campbell, founders of the Canadian Prophetic Council, mention that, “the Bible teaches us the language of God, so that we can effectively communicate with Him. That when we speak from the Bible in our prayers, we will be led to an entirely different place in prayer – one that we might not think as humanly possible.” If this is so, then God has just given us an amazing gift through His Word!

The Bible is more than just a book of stories. It is a book of promises and declarations that God has given for us to use. It is a powerful weapon that we can utilize against Satan and bring victory in our lives.

Speech Acts in the Bible 29

When praying, many of us request for events to happen or goals to come into realization. But we need to realize that prayer is far more powerful when we claim them through the promises of God Himself. The Bible is more than just a book of stories. It is a book of promises and declarations that God has given for us to use. It is a powerful weapon that we can utilize against Satan and bring victory and in our lives.

The Word of God holds so many promises for the different situations and conditions in our day-to-day living.

We enable ourselves to have spiritual breakthroughs just by reading and professing these words. The fact that God’s promises are unchanging gives us the assurance that whatever we proclaim in His name will be powerful. Hebrews 4:12 is a beautiful verse that guarantees the power of His Word, “For the word of the Lord is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Paul’s prayers in the Bible are full of wisdom, and rich in faith and positivity towards God’s authority. Many leaders have referred to his prayers because they are directed straight to God, with the passion to create an intimate relationship with Him. His prayers consist of gratitude, the need to share God’s love to others, wishing joy and peace to those around him, and hoping that God’s word speaks to the people he encounters in his journey.

When we pray His promises, our hearts become influenced by God in the most mysterious of ways.

The result of this would be a life led by God’s vision and purpose, and not our own. Because we are deeply guided, we get an understanding of ourselves in a more spiritual sense.  We become even more empowered to live a life that is pleasing and devoted to God. Our decisions and actions become supernaturally guided by His Words. Gary Wiens says it in a compelling manner, “As a result of praying these biblical prayers, we find it increasingly easy to come in agreement with the Spirit of God concerning His nature and His agenda. We begin to desire what He desires, confident in His ability to bring it all to pass. Also, as we spend time praying scriptures, we find it easy to come to unity and agreement with other believers. We are not praying for our own agenda or the success of our own programs. Rather, we are focused on the establishment of His rule and reign, and that is an agenda with which all believers are in agreement.”


Check out: How to Turn Scripture into a Prophetic Declaration


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Prophecology: The Podcast

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