Realm 1: Authority

blog Prophecology

Realm 1: Authority

To Destroy Satan’s Dominion on Earth

The administration of authority upon the prophets has a dual purpose. First, the destruction of Satan’s kingdom. Read what Jeremiah tells us about this:

See, today I appoint you over nations and over


 to pluck up and to pull down,

 to destroy and to overthrow,

 to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:10)

The prophet’s authority is intended to root out, pull down, destroy, and throw down Satan’s domain. There is a spiritual warfare that is going on. Prophets must actively participate in it, otherwise they are abusing their authority. As people of authority in God’s Kingdom, there will be love and compassion for sinners, but an  intense hatred and intolerance for Satan and what he is doing.

To Build Up God’s Kingdom and To Plant Churches

The prophet is also given the authority to establish and advance the Kingdom of God on earth. Most of the time, there is more emphasis in destroying the kingdom of darkness, compared to building the Kingdom of God. Prophets who carry this authority in the prophetic realm are usually viewed to be argumentative

or confrontational. They often find themselves in direct conflict with the powers of darkness, because these prophets tend to be provocative.

Prophetic anointing is usually a spiritual weapon in the hand of the Lord. Prophets who are given significant authority usually pray and fast in order to come to spiritual battle with the satanic activity against the people of a specific nation, city, region, or household.

The Authority to Use the Name of Jesus

As believers, we have been given the authority to use the name of the Lord. If we correctly study and interpret the statement from the Luke’s writing, it becomes clear that Christ did not give us dunamis power to overcome the power of Satan. Instead, Jesus entrusted us with the authority that is attached to his name, the Name above all names. Like the traffic officer, we may not have sufficient power within ourselves to overcome the power of Satan, but because of the authority given to us by Jesus Christ, Satan yields to this authority. Satan has no say or authority over us.

As believers, you and I are entitled to exercise the authority that is contained in the name of Jesus Christ over the power of Satan. For example, in the name of Jesus to cast out demons, to bind the powers of darkness away from our circumstances, or to loosen the bondage of the enemy over those in his hold.

It is important for us to see and to believe in this authority that Jesus has given us to use his name. This revelation and belief are closely linked to our spiritual state or relationship with him. Just as the traffic officer in our example can be stripped of his authority if he steps outside of his jurisdiction or if he violates his authority, we too lose our authority when we are no longer in an abiding relationship with Jesus.

Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch

cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the

vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am

the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide

in me and I in them bear much fruit, because

apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)

Before we can wield the authority of Jesus, we must be united with him. We must be yoked to him. Jesus initiates, but we must respond in obedience. Jesus confirms the legitimate use of the authority of his name by instructing the Holy Spirit to perform the works that we have been commanded to do.

Satan knows the premise of our authority. He knows that he does not submit to any lawless or presumptuous use of the name of Christ. Satan also knows that if we disobey and turn our backs on Jesus that this authority is also void, which is why the enemy would do his best to turn your faith around. Those who are lawless in this matter can place themselves in extremely hazardous circumstances, as did the Jewish exorcists in Ac. 19:13. They took it upon themselves to call the name of Jesus over the evil spirits. How did the evil spirits respond? They acknowledged they knew Jesus and Paul, but they did not know these men. These men did not have the authority of the name of Jesus to overcome these evil spirits, and so they overpowered and prevailed against them (Ac. 19:15-16).

Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

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