August 21, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12REALMS OF PROPHECY
Prophets prophesy in different realms of prophecy, according to the grace and purposes of the Lord. God chooses to which He brings to the deeper realms, and it does not say anything against those who are able to prophesy in the shallow realms. All realms of prophecies give the prophet the ability to serve God and to move in the prophetic.
As the prophets move deeper in the realm of prophecy, they prophesy with more authority, revelation, direction, impartation, and activation. Focus on how utterances that come forth from God are charged with power and anointing according to these categories. As we become more aware of these qualities of prophetic capacity, we can train and believe God for them as well.
Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.