South Wind
September 25, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12South Wind
South Wind
The south wind has a specific nature from all the others. The best way to explain this nature is through Zech. 9:14:
Then the Lord will appear over his people.
His arrows will flash like lightning.
The Lord and King will blow the trumpet of his
He’ll march out like a storm in the south.
(emphasis added)
In order to understand this verse, let’s go back to verse 12, “Return to your place of safety, you prisoners who still have hope. Even now I announce that I will give you back much more than you had before”. In some verses, it reads, “I declare that I will restore double to you.”
The presence of the south wind always brings about restoration. Thus, south wind prophets are restoration prophets. You can see the order now why we started with the east wind distinction. You cannot restore something, unless you remove something.’’
God would use the east wind to make way and to prepare. He does
this by allowing the east wind to pull down everything that does not belong there. Elijah shines like a bright star for Israel, because of all the kings in Israel, the worst was Ahab. At the darkest hour, God sent a strong east wind prophet who in his ministry destroyed a great portion of the false Baal prophets (1 Kgs. 18-19).
There is a certain order for the four winds of the Spirits of God to come. If you bring the south winds first before the east wind, then the people will take the wealth and use it for the wrong thing. They would receive the double portions, when the greed, pride, and evil in their hearts have not been dealt with yet. God needs to remove anything that will make the blessing destructive for your life.
The east wind blows first in order to remove all obstacles to God. The east wind had blown through and ministered in your churches; when they have finished, everyone is also finished. Everything in us that is not of God, anything in the flesh is destroyed. If we’re honest, we need the east wind coming about to blow, and blow across the place until we humble ourselves before the Lord.
When we realize where we have compromised, then we can be delivered through the help of the west wind prophet. We can sing the songs of deliverance. Once you pull down everything, you have to rebuild your defense with worship—knowledge with fear of the Lord. The West wind builds your defense around you.
Because when you have destroyed the enemy, you will need to be prepared for something bigger. Moreover, the songs of deliverance come forth to remove all the evil spirits that have made themselves at home.
We can pray for healing, but if they have a demonic spirit that is taking up residence in their hearts, then this demonic spirit must be evicted first. The west wind will bring deliverance. After you’ve removed spiritual problems, you’re not restored yet. Restoration puts back in what was taken out. There is a void in your life when that demonic or evil thing was taken out. God replaces that with something pure and holy.
Restoration can come in different ways. The restoration of the people to their land; restoration of their riches where they have been robbed. It’s a restorative move that God is bringing forth through the south wind. Now, there are prophets that primarily function as south wind prophets.
Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.