March 31, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12THE DIVINE LAW
One of the Hermetic principles: Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10b). The unseen becomes the seen. The greater your awareness of the presence of God within, the more that presence fills your consciousness.
Your new awareness of God on the inside of you is an awakening. Once you have the awareness, you begin to dwell on it and fill yourself with the understanding of the presence, the oneness inside of you.
You cannot pray “thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” if you cannot include your life and your future in this premise. If in heaven, Jesus has prepared a mansion for you, how come it’s not true for you here. Or, how come you think that’s crazy and silly to be a reality here? Why are you limiting God’s abundance for when you are in heaven, when Jesus himself taught us to pray this prayer? Jesus wants to align what is happening in heaven here on earth.
Jesus is talking about integrity between the spiritual and physical realm. What did God promise you in heaven? Claim that promise here on earth as well.
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