The Far Off Country


The Far Off Country

The far country in a metaphorical or esoteric sense can also be the realm of your five physical senses that begins to dictate things to you through sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. Those five senses represents the far country that lures you away from father’s house. They entice you to believe in the world of materiality. Let’s go a bit further with this. The Bible says that whatever is seen is temporal. Anything that is temporary is a lie.


All that you may experience, that you may call real, may be a lie, because you allow your five physical senses, your five lying husbands, to dictate what truth is.If you were married to the Christ and not your senses this could never happen. In life everything has both a positive side and a negative side. The spirit is positive. Materiality is negative. Jacob, also known as the supplanter, bears his name because he supplanted truth and that, which is real, by overriding materiality with spirituality.


Read Genesis 27:18-19


Jacob supplanted, because he understood that Esau, by fact, was a lie. But by truth, I am Esau, because I have the consciousness of the first-born. Esau is first-born by birth order and by virtue of that has all lawfully to become the inheritor of my Father’s estate. But Jacob supplanted that entire concept through use of the power of consciousness, which circumvented the plan originally set in motion. Some of you are working for someone that, by fact, is the boss, and the only reason you have not learned how to supplant and trick spirit into proper matter, is because you do not know who you are.


When you understand and walk into the promise of who you are who will then know that the boss is boss in fact, but you are boss in truth. You will become like Jacob, a supplanter.  You can never allow the facts, or even someone else’s facts to become your reality. It is not until you become a Jacob, and learn to supplant, will you begin to override matter and begin to put spirituality on top of materiality. Therefore, it is a fact that you might be sick, but the truth is that you are healed. It might be a fact that you are poor, but it is the truth that you are rich.


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What represents the “far country” in your life?

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