July 28, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12THE IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT
There is such a thing as the development of prophetic ability and practices. As a serious follower of Jesus who wants to serve in the ministry, plan to upgrade your spiritual gifts. If you upgrade your phone and laptops regularly because you use them for work, why not commit to upgrading the tools God gave you to advance His Kingdom? Prophetic development does not just happen. You cannot just sit around, doing nothing, and expect a grand anointing to come all at once.
People need training in prophecy, as much as they do in prayer, warfare, worship, praying for the sick, and sharing their faith. The prophetic training one undergoes is part of the character-building process that God intends to mold your character to be more like Jesus.
If you are a new Christian, and you receive all of the anointing and power at once, chances are you’ll be more of a danger to Christianity than a blessing, because you’re not ready for such responsibility yet. When a piece of meat is undercooked, it cannot be eaten. However, if you take the time to cook it, it can be the most delicious steak meal you can eat.
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