blog Prophecology


If God didn’t say it, we must reject it. If the Bible does not verify our prophetic words, we are false prophets. In the prophetic ministry, we rely on the sufficiency of the written Word and the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. We must be careful that we are not simply declaring our will, but God’s will through our prophetic


We believe that the Bible is truly the Word of God, because the writers of its several books were God’s instruments in communicating His will to men. It is God’s word, because He speaks to us in its sacred pages. Whatever the inspired writers declare to be true and binding upon us, God declares to be true and binding. The Bible is our ultimate standard; the Bible is the highest form of prophetic word we can access.The Word of God is infallible. What does that mean for the prophetic ministry? The Holy Spirit himself wrote the Bible, and it is error-free. All saving knowledge can come from the Bible. It is an imperative means of salvation.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for

teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in

righteousness, so that the servant of God may

be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2

Timothy 3:16-17)

The goal of the prophetic ministry is to support the Word of God. If the prophet leads a person to read His Word, then the prophet has done a significant job for God’s Kingdom. The prophet must submit to God’s Word when giving a prophetic


Revelations 22 warns us that the Bible is complete. No one must add anything to the Word of God. If anyone takes words away from the “scroll of prophecy,” God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life (Rev. 22:18-19). The Book of Revelation marks the completion of the Bible, and no new written prophecy has been recognized as divine truth. Thus, any prophetic declaration that comes afterward must support and be aligned with biblical truth.

Be a part of this group: Experience the Power of Prophecy was a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan prophesied the mind of God concerning this current pandemic and so many other world events in his book series, Written Judgments. Download the Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1 E-book. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season.

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Book: America's Original Sin, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan
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Zoe Ministries Magazine

In March 2019, Zoe Ministries Inc. launched a quarterly magazine entitled “Zoe Ministries Magazine” given out to the Master Prophet’s Blessing Plan members. The topics in the magazine covers wellness, technology, ministry, events, testimonials and exclusive interviews with Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan. Due to COVID-19, we have made the magazines available digitally on We recently released our newest March 2020 issue Sankofa: Zoe Ministries Celebrating 37 Years. All magazine issues are available for download here.

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Prophecology: The Podcast

In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more.

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