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For the millennial employee, job-hopping is a norm. One LinkedIn survey indicates millennials do more job-hopping than any other generation. It’s important to note the study only surveyed members of LinkedIn. That number typically falls within five years, but professional services, government, non-profit, education, media, and entertainment industries had the most job hoppers within five years of college graduation.

What’s interesting is that the Bureau of Labor Statistics states Baby Boomers did just as much job-hopping in their respective 20s as millennials do these days, which is a bit of contradiction. It was found that older generations check their comments about millennial job- hoppers and look deeper into the situation.

Job-hopping is in, and being stuck in a dead-end job is on its way out — and that’s good for everyone. Job-hopping millennials are more likely to earn a higher wage, develop their career on a faster track and find a better fit in work culture by changing jobs more frequently. The stigma is lessening as the positives are revealed.

Job-hopping millennials are more likely to earn a higher wage.  They also develop their career on a faster track and find a better fit in work culture by changing jobs more frequently. The stigma is lessening as the positives are revealed.

One CareerBuilder survey shared employers expect 45% of their newly hired college grads would remain with the company for under two years. The study also showed that by age 35, about 25% of young employees would have worked five jobs. Employers are aware they’re hiring job-hoppers as millennials find their footing in their career development.  They are learning to make healthy choices rather than staying stuck and unmotivated in a job that’s not beneficial for either the employee or employer.

Many assume millennials are just chasing money when they job-hop, rather than waiting patiently for their slice of the pie as their seniors did.  

Many assume millennials are just chasing money when they job-hop, rather than waiting patiently for their slice of the pie as their seniors did.  However, that’s not true. Environmental and social consciousness drives millennials, caring about their fellow man.

Many employees who seek other jobs early on are willing to take pay cuts for the right job, especially if there is a mismatch or lack of positive work culture. Other factors for switching jobs quickly include having too much work to do, resulting in an uneven work-life balance. Environmental and social consciousness drives millennials, caring about their fellow man. When a company’s mission matches their values, millennials are in — more likely for a longer haul than their last gig.

Millennials are now the largest group of professionals in the workforce. As their careers advance, millennial hiring managers will significantly impact once negative perceptions of job-hopping. They will balance and prioritize securing candidates who find a financial and cultural fit with the employer.

If one were to place a lot of stock in what is written about millennials, it would be easy to believe the generation is all in its mid-twenties, drifting in and out of meaningless jobs. The reality is that couldn’t be further from the truth. Some millennials today are well into their thirties. Millennials are now in leadership roles or emerging into those roles.

However, in order to be successful, they need regular, useful, and frequent feedback of their performance. In fact, over 50% of millennials would prefer to receive meaningful feedback monthly from their managers.

Trust is very important to millennials.

A long-term physiological study spanning over twenty years between 1983 and today explains exactly why millennials crave that praise so much. Most participants of this generation stood out as being confident. Yet, they also stood out as having high anxiety and needing praise more than other generations.

It might be tempting to dismiss this as neediness. However, according to a management expert, leadership development depends on understanding the minds of those being mentored and adjusting styles accordingly. The main interest lies in conducting extensive management research and turning concepts into concrete leadership models and theories.

Trust is very important to millennials. According to a report, a decent salary and benefits were named as the pillars of trust in the workplace. Yet, company culture and respective policies that ensure regular praise and acknowledgment are also critical for the millennial employee.



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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more.

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