The Poor Rejects The Gospel


The Poor Rejects The Gospel

You cannot disciple the poor. Every rich person realizes that the biggest waste of time is trying to teach the poor lessons about wealth. Now before you start screaming and sending me emails, allow me to explain. The poor are poor because they have adopted and embraced poor habits and poor thoughts. They’ve doneit so long that it is virtually impossible to change their thinking. They’ve become comfortable. You can see why Jesus did not disciple the poor? The poor denies the faith! That is why we preach to you about owning a home, becoming something, and having something. Because we do not want to see you continue to deny the faith. There is no way you can look at the scriptures and tell me that poverty is righteousness. You deny the faith when you cannot provide.


Which means the faith is in you, but you denied it from existing outside of you. You can be what you want to be, do what you want to do, have what you want to have, but the key is that you have to stop denying what is in you. God will give people instructions to help you in financial crisis. God will raise up a prophet to instruct you.


And Elijah said onto her: fear not, go and do as thou has

said, but make me there a little cake first and bring it onto

me and after make for thee and for thy son.


The poor are poor because they have adopted and embraced poor habits and poor thoughts. The prophet here is empowering this lady. A prophet’s message will always look like a rip-off, when it is disguised with empowerment instead. God will always give a prophet instruction to you in financial crises. You may not like the prophet’s instructions. The prophet will usually command you to reach within yourself and do something out of yourself. God wants you to multiply. God commanded everything he created to multiply and become more. If you are not multiplying and becoming more, one has to wonder whether you are a creation of God.


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God wants you to multiply in your resources.  How are you going to start applying this biblical command today?

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