The Source – Our Source

blog Prophecology

The Source – Our Source

Giving is a faith issue, and not a supply issue. The giving is not dependent of what you have currently. Instead, it is based on your heart to believe God. What did Paul write, “And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8). Every word of the first part of the verse alone speaks a lot about how the ability to give comes from God:

God is able to provide

God is able to provide you

God is able to provide you with every

God is able to provide you with every blessing God is able to provide you with every blessing in


The second part of the verse reveals God’s purpose. First, so that you can always have enough of everything. Second, so you may share abundantly in every good work. The purpose of the blessing is to bless you and to enable you to contribute — to give your offering.


God gives you the heart to be generous and the means to be generous. God covers all grounds. When you limit your giving based on your current circumstance and the money in your bank account or your wallet, then you are paralyzed. You are unable to part with your material wealth because you are relying on your own ability. However, when you fix your eyes on the power and love of the Lord, then this opens your perspective to see the bigger picture. You are not the source of your generosity. Paul reveals the secret to generosity is simply stepping out in faith and giving. Decide in your heart to be a cheerful giver. God is the One who will bestow gracious abundance on those who give generously, as it is that He will bless the generous with resources to give generously.

Paul defines the blessing of grace of having all sufficiency in all things. The term “sufficiency”, which came from the Greek word autarkeia, is the state of possessing all that one needs, so that he is able to manage without any help or support from others. In Philippians 4:11, it distinguishes the idea of “contentment” (as in Phil. 4:11). However, it is an indirect result. The idea implies that the generous man curtails his own wants that he may be able to give to others, thus not being in want any longer.

The truth involved is probably close to that of Philippians 4:19, which is also expressed in a context of the Philippians’ generosity. Said in another way, a generous man is motivated by God’s own spirit of blessing. This man does not fear that God will leave him penniless. The God who puts it into a man’s heart to be generous with his material wealth will also ensure that his needs are supplied so that this man abounds in every good work. In other words, he is always able to contribute in the good work God intended for the church to do on earth



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