blog Prophecology



A Special Gift to God

To obey is better than sacrifice. In Ezekiel 48, God gave instructions regarding land which he expected to be followed. The land given to the priests is considered a special gift to God. Furthermore, the share of the land will be for the priests who are set apart for the Lord. As the people give the Lord a special gift, the Lord also gives the priest His portion, because God is the priest’s inheritance. The Levites, whose main job is to teach the people the Word of God, have a portion next to the priests’. The Lord specified how big their land will be. The Levites cannot sell their land, even if it is the best portion of the land. No one else can own this land except for the Levites.

(Ezekiel 48:8, 11-14)

8 “You must give one share as a special gift to me. It will border the territory of Judah from east to west. It will be eight miles wide. It will be as long as the border of each of the territories of the tribes. Its border will run from east to west. The temple will be in the center of that strip of land.

11 This share of land will be for the priests who are set apart to me. They will come from the family line of Zadok. The members of that family served me faithfully. They did not go astray as the Levites and other Israelites did. 12 Their share of land will be a special gift to them. It will be part of the sacred share of the land. It will be very holy. Its border will run along the territory of the Levites.

13 “The Levites will receive a share. It will be next to the territory of the priests. The Levites’ share will be eight miles long and three and a third miles wide. 14 They must not sell or trade any of it. It is the best part of the land. It must not be handed over to anyone else. It is set apart to me.

 Have you ever experienced someone re-gifting to you something you gifted them? It’s a social faux pas to do this. You must remember who gave you certain gifts, so that if you do decide to re-gift, you don’t give it back to the one who gave it to you. In the passage above, the Lord owns everything, yet the Lord is saying, “give it to me as a special gift.”

Just like fathers fund their little kids’ Christmas gifts to them, it is really the children who benefit from the experience. They feel proud for being able to buy and choose a present for their father. As children of God, He wants to give us the opportunity to give to Him. God provides land for us, but He also tells us how we can obey Him. God tells us the part of the land we must set apart for Him.

For some people, a greater source of temptation for them is not the hardships or the difficulties, but it’s the prosperity and abundance.

For some people, a greater source of temptation for them is not the hardships or the difficulties, but it’s the prosperity and abundance. When they have plenty, they forget the Lord. They attribute what they have to their own power and strength. They even think that they do not need to give to the Lord, even when He commands it. Even today, we see people who withhold tithes and offering because they truly believe the Lord does not need it. God does not need the material wealth itself. God wants the heart of the person who is willing to sacrifice something significant in order to please the Lord.

Remember what is written, “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams” (1 Sam. 15:22 New International Version). It does not mean that you won’t bring in your tithes and offering. It means that what the Lord is after is your obedience. Even if you are bringing in your offering to the Lord, if your heart is reluctant or unwilling, then it would not please the Lord. The Lord wants you to desire bringing in an offering. How can you obey the Lord if you withhold the tithes and offering that He directly tells you to bring back to Him?


Check out: Give to God’s Work

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