


Turn your house into a cash cow by implementing one or more of the 12 ideas presented in this article.

  1. Think of the dogs.

Think about using your home as a place for dogs and cats to stay. Many pet owners would prefer their animals remain in a private home than a professional kennel. If you can and want to, call a few nearby boarding places to get an idea of how much they charge.

  1. Make your own money.

Suppose you like to grow plants and have a little bit of land you can till; you might want to plant a cash crop. Wheat and cattle aren’t something most people can grow in their backyards, but berries, flower bulbs, vegetables, grapes, florist items, and landscaping plants can be produced and sold to wholesalers at farmer’s markets or from your front porch.

  1. Seek inner fulfillment.

People who work from home make products that are shipped all over the world. Someone has to do the shipping, which is where your extra space can come in handy. Open your order fulfillment center if you have room to store their products and shipping materials (boxes, wrapping material, etc.).

  1. Link with a daycare center.

You know that good daycare can be pricey if you’re a parent. Stay-at-home parents who are good at business might consider opening a home daycare center. In many places, companies like these are now heavily regulated. Check with your local and state agencies to see if you can legally run daycare where you live.

  1. Are you ready for your close-up?

Is your house a movie set? You may be surprised. Gary Bond, in charge of film marketing for the Austin (Texas) Film Commission, says it can be hardest to find regular houses when looking for film locations in Texas. When a film crew comes looking for a place, Bond makes a digital casting call from properties in the commission’s database that meet the director’s requirements. People can pay you up to $1,000 per day to use your yard or garden as a big Hollywood movie set. Maybe they will give you a lot more if you have to move out so the film can use the inside. To get the right camera angles for interior shots, you may need to drill holes in the wall or tear down whole walls. Make it clear in the site agreement that you will pick the contractor to fix the set designer’s damage.

  1. Be a babysitter.

Even though it may seem old-fashioned, babysitting is one of the easiest and most lucrative ways to make money from home. You don’t need to limit your services to Friday and Saturday nights. On weekdays, when kids get home from school, and their parents get home, there is a growing need for monitoring.

Click here to read: TURN YOUR HOUSE INTO A CASH COW – Part 1


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