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Millennials in the workplace have generational qualities can actually lend a lot of positive attributes to many workplace teams. They may have a reputation as being fun-loving thrill seekers, but they have a lot to offer.

Millennials are known to have a completely different outlook on their expectations of their employment experience. They have to mature in a period of rapid change. Millennials have come of age during a time of significant technological advancement and have a set of priorities and expectations sharply different from previous generations.

They are known to have a completely different outlook on their expectations of their employment experience.

Millennials are known to have unique qualities. They’re taking over the workplace in droves. The values of millennials differ from those of their parents and grandparents, members of the Generation X and Baby Boomers.

Millennials are known to be passionate about their interests, not afraid to take risks, able to prioritize a positive work-life balance, mission and values-oriented, and most importantly, they are known to be spontaneous.

Millennials’ love for new experiences and cross-cultural relationships can enhance a company’s mission to go global, while their love for disruptive ideas and challenges can result in disruptive product development.

This generation is actively in search of challenging new career opportunities and chances to learn at work.

Millennials aren’t shy about their desire for growth.

Forbes writes that millennials prefer two-way relationships with their managers, comparing the millennial’s ideal direct manager as more of a ‘coach’ than a boss. This means that millennials often aren’t shy about sharing ideas on opportunities for improvement or asking for new challenges when they’re feeling bored.

They prefer much more positive feedback. Millennials are notoriously sensitive to feedback and may perceive constructive criticism as an attack. Any feedback regarding improvement that is given to millennials needs to be very carefully phrased to avoid potential misunderstandings.

Millennials are maturing. As the oldest millennials approach their mid-thirties, certain workplace values appear to be not entirely different from older generations.

A recent study indicates that older millennials are concerned about health care costs when making decisions about whether to stay with an employer.

Millennials are maturing. As the oldest millennials approach their mid-thirties, certain workplace values appear to be not entirely different from older generations.

While certain millennial values, like a strong focus on company culture, remain the same, this generation is becoming more focused on the quality of the work itself as they age.


Millennials prefer lighter-weight team communication apps, such as team messengers, to act as a workplace companion.


              They have no tolerance for bad tech. Though no one likes aging legacy software, millennials grew up with Internet-based technologies and have a particularly low tolerance for confusing technical processes. Wired writes that millennials loathe spending time searching for documents, searching for the right point-of-contact for a task, and trying to find their coworkers’ contact info. Millennials prefer lighter-weight team communication apps, such as team messengers, to act as a workplace companion.

In the work industry, managers look toward the future of the workplace. Understanding millennial traits is important to a highly engaged workplace.

With an understanding of millennial values and tech preferences, it’s possible to keep your younger employees happy.


Check out: Inspiration is important to millennials.


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