When We Invest Time In Our Gift, It Will Grow
March 3, 2021 2023-04-05 19:12When We Invest Time In Our Gift, It Will Grow
When We Invest Time In Our Gift, It Will Grow
When We Invest Time In Our Gift, It Will Grow
A spiritual gift does not appear in its maximum capacity overnight. It takes time to grow and to develop. Mostly, the reason behind this is because God knows us very well. He needs to develop our character first before He gives the full portion of the gift. It can be dangerous to receive something so powerful when we are still young in the faith. There is always a process in which God trains and prepares us to grow in the use of that gift.
It is our duty to cooperate with this sharpening process, and be good stewards of the gifts, talents, and abilities He gives us.
It is our duty to cooperate with this sharpening process, and be good stewards of the gifts, talents, and abilities He gives us. This includes the gift of prophecy. In the “parable of the talents,” Jesus told a story about a master who gave money to each of three servants— he commended those who invested their money for a greater return, and admonished the one who buried his money out of fear (Mt. 25:14-30). At the end of the day, multiplication and growth of ministry and gift must be pursued because we want to honor God, not for self-glorification.
Stir up the gift
Remember that developing the gift of prophecy is not a logical progression of tasks to be performed. It is based on relationship — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are involved as well as fallible humans. This is not a 10-step guide to perfect prophetic ministry. It’s a personal journey. You must personally ask the Lord to highlight the relevant bits deep into your personality. As you seek first the Kingdom of the Lord, you know that all these things, specifically the growth in your prophetic gift, will be added onto you as well.
Godly practices
In the construction industry, years of experience have taught the successful workers how best to carry out their tasks. In the same way, when considering how to stir up the gift of prophecy, there are certain ways of doing things which can help us — Godly practices — which you develop and benefit from over time.
Spend more quiet time with God
Throughout scripture, one important role for the prophet is to act as a watchman, warning the people of danger to come (Jer. 6:17).
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