


The Question of Identity

Who are you? Believers subscribe to other ideologies because they have no idea who they are. We are looking at an identity crisis in the body of Christ as people do not know their place in the kingdom of God. It gets worse as believers find it hard to accept some realities contained in God’s Word. To them, it seems too good to be true. No wonder Paul was worried that the minds of the church in Corinth would be corrupted by the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ.


Has ignorance ever cost you? What lesson did you learn from the experience?


Who are you in Christ? What are the realities of the new life? Are you walking in these realities?


Examine yourself closely to ensure you are not taking God’s Word for granted.


Is your understanding of God’s Word sound? Or better still, are you satisfied with your knowledge of God’s Word? What will you do to increase this knowledge?


Would you call yourself a prayerful Christian?


Your association says a lot about you. Are you in constant fellowship with Christians?



When we carry unfounded beliefs and convictions, we are likely to act in the wrong way. Disillusionment affects our manner of thinking, which then affects our actions. Scripture tells us that as a man thinks, so is he (Prov. 23:7). At times, such wrong convictions become a source of strife and disagreement in the church.

Jesus used a parable to explain this. In the parable, a Pharisee went to pray and started thanking God that he was not like other men, like the tax collector. He went ahead to explain his good works—fasting and tithing. The tax collector, in all humility, asked for God’s mercy, for he was a sinner (Lk.18:9-14). Jesus went ahead to mention that the tax collector went home justified, unlike the Pharisee.


Do you feel entitled to God’s blessings because of your good works?


Is your money pulling you away from God or pushing you closer to God?


Are you rich before God?




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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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