Why Do You Need to Renew Your Mind?
March 4, 2018 2023-04-05 19:11Why Do You Need to Renew Your Mind?
Why Do You Need to Renew Your Mind?
Your mind attracts symptoms. At the same time, your mind is a money magnet. You mind is a thing that prints out vivid pictures and clear photographs. And your body just obeys the images that your mind projects. Whatever the image is does not matter; your body will see to it that it becomes the thing in your mind. Cancer does not start in the body; it starts in the mind and then grows rapidly as the picture of cancer, a deteriorating frame, and death, becomes clearer in your mind. If you destroy the image in your mind then the cancer is destroyed simultaneously, since it has no blueprint to build from.
What kind of information do you need to get rich? You need to have the right mindset for wealth in order to attract it. Wealth never bombards anyone. Wealth and riches are very much well mannered, and will only come into the lives of those persons who consistently dream of her, and is ready to wed her for life. You may say or have heard others say quite piously, “I don’t need no more money. I am fine with the bills paid and a little left over to do what I want to do.” That is the epitome of pure selfishness.
The importance of getting rich is so you can do more for the Kingdom of God—nothing more and nothing less. The reason why I want to get rich, the reason I am rich, is so that I can do more to further the Kingdom of God. I can’t do more to advance God’s kingdom without money. Stop looking at others when others need to be looking at you. Why are you listening to someone’s music when someone should be listening to yours? You have an experience; why is it not told? Why are you hiding it from someone that may benefit from it. Every one of you has a life, which is a book. Why not tell it?
The reason why I want to get rich, the reason I am rich, is so I can do more to further the kingdom of God.
Some of your forefathers have prayed prayers that you would live a life far greater than they could have ever dreamed. The only reason their prayers haven’t yet been answered is because you do not have wealth. There are some things that God has promised to your forefathers in His covenant. God promised them that it would come to pass. Then what’s the holdup? God is waiting for a generation that will become courageous and knowledgeable at the same time to boldly seize the power to get the wealth. I wholeheartedly believe that you are a part of that generation.
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Why do you want to get rich?