


Against all odds, slaves and descendants of slaves have overcome slavery and the oppression that remaines. As we enter a new year, let’s take this time to honor people who came before us. They paved the way for us to live in an America wherein individuals have the power to overcome destructive money scripts and truly live prosperous lives. Let us take this challenge to forge through this new year with a new sense of hope and determination. 


There was a point in time when racism was law. First, slavery ensured that Blacks were property rather than people. Massive overworking, mistreatment, sexual abuse, physical abuse, poor pay, and murder were common. In that season, some Blacks, against all odds, overcame all this and more to become successful and champion for the end of slavery. Eventually, the oppressors caved. They could no longer own slaves. Lawmakers amended the law, and Blacks were free to own property and walk free of animal-like tags. 

After this first victory, another batter was already at hand. The law limited freedom because of segregation. Blacks were free from slavery but were still oppressed. They could not dine at all restaurants, attend any school, or use all forms of public transportation. Such amenities were divided according to race. Again, in that season, there arose champions of change. People who paid the price with their bodies, freedom, and even lives to eradicate segregation.  

Thoughts to ponder on

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How tough are you in your pursuit of a modest livelihood? 


Have the odds been heavily against you before? How did you navigate out of the storm? 


In what way has racial discrimination affecting your finance? How do you intend to rise to greater heights in a hostile environment? 


If you were in power, what would you do to tackle racism? In your current capacity, what are you doing to fight racism? 


If you become wealthy, how would you empower others? 


As a child, what were the issues you vowed to address when you grew up? Which have you handled? What is stopping you from addressing the others? 


Have you been instrumental in changing a harmful status quo before? Perhaps in your school, family, neighborhood, etc.? How did you feel? 


Have you been under immense pressure before? What kept you going? 


Time to be honest with yourself—which do you have more, a winner’s mentality or a victim mentality?  


What is stopping you from leaving your comfort zone?  




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