


We all have met people who are very reserved regarding spending money or people who ask many questions when you ask them for money. Maybe you’ve lived with these people all your life, or perhaps you are a money-vigilant person. At times, they may require a clear breakdown of how you desire to spend the many you asked for. Can we call such people stingy, or are they simply concerned about our well-being? Consider how hard or easy it is to make them spend a lot of money on something. Such people tend to have a strong money vigilant belief.

Do you have people in your life who will interrogate you on how you will spend your money? Or maybe someone who can be nosy when it comes to your finances?

Did/do you have people in your life who control/controlled how you spent your money?

In getting to know their nature, we can deduce whether a money-vigilant script is a strength or a weakness. At times, it could be both, depending on the situation. For instance, a money-vigilant person will become the voice of reason when a group of friends wants to overspend on something while having fun. In another example, a money vigilant person may become a stumbling block to a family looking to go on a holiday, as they deem it too expensive.

The Money Vigilant Nature

How can we best describe this money vigilant nature? Let us look at this scenario. Imagine you and your friends have visited a remote place in the desert where the people survive on the least resources such as water and food. While in the desert, you and your friends decide that you want to wash your vehicles. The locals watch as you use gallons of water to clean your cars. What would be their attitude towards you and your friends?

Do you find tithes and offering to be a nerve-wracking concept in Christianity? What do you do as a result of this emotion?

Would you choose money security over the experience of having the freedom to spend money?




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