


The belief that more money makes a family happier leads to a person developing workaholism. As the person immerses themselves in more hours of work or more than one job, they believe that they will eventually earn enough money to better the lives of their loved ones. While workaholism may bring wealth, it may also bring its problems:

“Workaholics are so immersed in work they have little time to invest in family life, child-rearing, leisure, and even sleep; as a result, they experience more marital discord, anxiety, depression, job stress, job dissatisfaction, and health problems.”

Without creating the right balance, one decision affects another. Christians have a choice to make: seek God’s kingdom first or chase after wealth. As Jesus taught his disciples, we cannot serve two masters [God and mammon]. We will love one and hate the other (Mt. 6:24).

While workaholism may bring wealth, it may also bring its problems.

Has your work ever come in between you and God? How has your work prevented you from taking a Sabbath or from serving in the church? Do you ever compromise your values to get ahead in life?

Has your work ever come in between you and your family? Have you sacrificed time with your family to earn more money?

Has your work ever come in between you and your passion or convictions in life? Have you given up your true dream just for the bigger salary?

If it is material wealth, He knows how best to lead us without destroying our families or affecting our health. On the other hand, Satan will give you a choice. While you may gain wealth, you will lose something else. Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the earth, but behind the scenes, it meant losing a more powerful and everlasting kingdom and deviating from his purpose of redeeming humanity.



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