


King Solomon wrote, “Prosperity is a defense, money is a defense…” (Ecc. 7:12). He saw that money is a voice of defense and shelter. In the corrupt world, the poor have no say as the rich get away with anything. Kolawole Oyeyemi provides a critical analysis on money as a voice that even the church can use:

“In a world designed to silence and eat up the poor, prosperity gives you a voice. Age and tribe pale into insignificance in our world denominated by the reigning currency. In circumstances where judgment gets bought and sold, and in situations where might is right, a poor man has no voice, and a poor faith has no future. You need a voice to preach the WORD. The prosperity of the saints is critical if we must give the faith a voice. Poverty cannot help the saint on this assignment.”

The reality is money provides answers to some of the social problems the church needs to address. Providing food for the needy, building homes and shelters, giving to society, and other services require funding. These are the acts described as true religion in James 1:27.


How can money be evil if it can help people overcome poverty through projects that support the needy? What do you feel about this question?

How can your money help someone in need?

How are you using your money to create an impact in this world, leaving it better than the way it was before?

The early church had a voice. Their genuine love for one another was evident in how much they gave for the sake of each other. The believers broke bread together, walked in one doctrine, and sold their possessions to cater to the needs of everyone. As a result, God added new believers to the church daily (Ac. 2:40-47).


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