


When it comes to building relationships with millennials in the church, the leaders must set an example for them. It has been said numerous times how millennials value authenticity and truthfulness, especially if they are going to spend their time on it. These young ones desire true and lasting relationships, and they are willing to spend all their energy on them, provided that it will also quench their thirst for a meaningful relationship.

As frontrunners of the church, it is the responsibility of its leaders to ensure that everyone in the congregation is led properly in all aspects, not just spiritually. With millennials being the next in line, it is the elders’ responsibility to prepare them properly. Establishing a good mentoring program in the church is one good way of doing it.

Make them see that getting involved in the church will be worth their while.

An article posted in the Korean-American Ministry Resources shares some interesting methods on how to effectively mentor the young generations:

  • Reverse mentorship – the article points out that among the methods, this might be the hardest thing to do for elders because you are functioning in reversed roles. Yes, making them mentor you is also as good as you teaching them.

Observe and learn how their minds work. That way, you’ll be able to deal with them most effectively.

Now one might ask, how is this going to work? Simple. Let them take the lead and learn from them. You will be surprised that millennials also have an edge you can use to advance God’s Kingdom.

Observe and learn how their minds work.

Most likely, that would never include you saying to them statements like, ‘wait for your turn”; or ‘you are too young for this.’

  • Give them leadership responsibilities – giving them that sense of being in power affects them greatly. They may not admit it at first, but it would be exhilarating for them, and they will never forget you for giving that experience to them.

Pair them up with senior members of the church, so they work hand-in-hand. However, please take note that you should never make them feel that they’ve got too much on their hands and that you’ve set them up for failure.


Check out:  Real Talk From Real-life Experience With The Millennials


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