Partnering with the Holy Spirit in the Prophetic
August 31, 2021 2023-04-05 19:12Partnering with the Holy Spirit in the Prophetic
Partnering with the Holy Spirit in the Prophetic
Partnering with the Holy Spirit in the Prophetic
Everything comes from God.
The Holy Spirit is the source of prophetic revelation. However, for the Holy Spirit to work with you, you must be willing and intentional about partnering with him. It’s a fantastic thing when God entrusts His gifts and abilities to human vessels. It’s a privilege to be used by God. Honestly, we do not deserve to have this role, coming from the degenerate nature we had. The Bible reminds us, “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received” (1 Pt. 4:10).
God gave us the privilege to participate in advancing His Kingdom. We do not deserve to have this role, coming from the degenerate nature we had.
The gift is from the Holy Spirit. We are only playing the role of administering it. By growing in our side of the partnership, we reflect the Father’s heart, ways, and purposes in our operation of prophecy. Growing our gift shows that we cherish it and that we are doing our best in this partnership.
Selfish Nature Kicks In
In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul describes the works of the flesh, which include selfishness. When Ananias and Sapphira sold their land, they chose to hide part of their profits from Peter and the apostles selfishly, and their greed cost them their lives. When one falls into money worship, it is very easy to slip away and start living a life that does not please God. Another example of money worship lies with the prodigal son. He blew his inheritance because of mixing with the wrong crowd and ended up living a miserable life before coming to his senses and going back home.
Reflect on this question today:
How do you know when you are being tested, like Jesus, regarding the lust of the eyes, the flesh, or the pride of life?
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