

If Only We Had More Money

When struggling financially, some people have low self-esteem. At times people feel they would earn more respect if they had more money. Have you ever felt this? Were ever put in a position where you were frustrated that you were not as wealthy as you would have hoped you had been? This mindset is when money worship relates to money status. Some people are busy looking for a large amount of  it that they may earn respect. In one of his famous novels, the late Chinua Achebe describes his main character as a man who disliked his father’s legacy: debt. The idea of becoming poor and cowardly like his father made Okonkwo work extremely hard to become wealthy and make a different name for himself. He had no patience for unsuccessful men or with his father.

The “money wish” common in money worship creates a fixation on getting the money first to make things easier. Money is the apparent means to buy freedom and escape an intolerable life of servitude. The money worship mindset believes that with an abundance of  money comes more freedom. Similarly, the desire for freedom comes with wishful thinking, as the worshiper desires to earn cash quickly rather than waste time on onerous activities.


First Column: Write down the situations you are currently facing under Column 1.

Second Column: Write down each of the resources you feel you need or want to overcome this problem.

Third column: Brainstorm your way around your limits. Write down the help you have at your disposal at this moment, any ideas that come to mind for how to move forward (even if

they seem silly), and any substitutions to the things in Column 2 that are readily available to you.

What have you realized from this exercise?


Check out: Money Cannot Buy Love


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