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Different streams of income

Multiple streams of income have become the goal of many people. God created several streams in the Garden of Eden to represent that people have various options to choose from. Pishon is the hero among the other streams, but the existence of the three different options teaches us something.

In the financial world, they always say, “never put all your eggs in one basket,” which simply means don’t put all your money in one place. You must create multiple income streams to support yourself, just as God did for Adam.

The truth is that you never know which income sources will benefit you and which will not. The world allows for unexpected and unexplainable events, so you must be prepared to create an unbeatable path to success. Multiple income streams provide you with various lifelines. It also teaches you to be more adaptable and versatile as a person.

Start with one to see how you can generate more money. Consider the nature of your current job. What kinds of things are associated with it? Examine the skills available to you through the people in your office. Is it possible for you to collaborate on a side project or create something together?

You can work full-time as your primary source of income while also exploring and developing other income opportunities on the side. It would help if you also considered passive and residual income streams. Try investing in the stock market, starting a small niche business, or even creating a website where you can capitalize on your strengths.




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