Generational Cycles

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Generational Cycles

Generational Cycles

With the evident shift in the generational cycles, and the knowledge we currently have, it is easier to come up with projections of how the future generations will look. We can base it on the archetype’s personality and mindset, which in turn, affects their decision-making.

Challenges in the workplace may be attributed in different and clashing personalities between these generations. The different archetypal tendencies create a strong impact on the culture as they are manifested in various areas like social activism, leadership styles, and organizational priorities, among others.

In the current workplace, it is very possible that it consists of a very broad age range which then affects its overall dynamics. Challenges in the workplace may be attributed to different and clashing personalities between these generations. The different archetypal tendencies create a strong impact on the culture as they are manifested in various areas like social activism, leadership styles, and organizational priorities, among others.

Silent Generation (Artist)

There might not be a member of this generation present in the current workplace, but they make up the senior demographic of our society. As survivors of the Great Depression, and World War II, they were used to very harsh living conditions, thus making them the resilient. Doing more while expecting less in return has been ingrained in them. These people started as penniless children and moved their way up to being affluent elders. Their leadership style is focused on creating processes and protocols and at the same time, maintaining modesty and respect along the way.

Baby Boomers (Prophet)

Considered as the dominant generation of our time, the Baby Boomers lived in an era of indulgent parenting and prosperity. They are known to be confident, creative, and filled with so much potential. However, this generation’s high regard for individuality caused them to fall short of what was expected from them. They have rebelled against authority and took their fixation on self, youth, and self-expression to a higher level—which, in turn, affected the society’s status quo. The Baby Boomers are known to be very competitive in the workplace, very driven. They tend to follow short-term goals rather than focus on long-term ones.

Generation X (Nomad)

This generation is born from the Silent generation—who, in many cases, were divorced. This environment growing up pushed Generation X to think like adults at an early age. They are known to be self-reliant and street-wise college graduates who carry greater debt compared to previous generations. It is due to this that most of them were forced to take on low-level and low-paying jobs to get by.

Most are not willing to be a ‘slave for money’ and prefer to prioritize work-life balance rather than career advancement.

At their coming of age, the current workforce is dominated by the more driven Boomers, thus giving rise to the conflict between the two. Most of them also fell victim to corporate downsizing, making them a highly pragmatic and no-nonsense type of people.  They gravitate more towards an action-oriented workplace rather than those who are full of promises. And because they are used to surviving on their own, they tend to keep their circle small and focus on what matters to them most—family and friends. Most are not willing to be a ‘slave for money’ and prefer to prioritize work-life balance rather than career advancement.

Millennial Generation (Hero)

Compared to the other generations, this generation has had a rather different childhood. Born from the Baby Boomers, the Millennials are known to be making themselves known even at an early age. Social investment and childhood programming are very popular during their childhood; thus, it is safe to say that their lives are standardized by their parents. They are programmed to be winners. This mindset, coupled with today’s technology, exposure to a wide array of influences makes this generation susceptible to understanding the world on a bigger scale.

As the new members of the workforce, they bring a sense of entitlement. We see a generational shift in this area. Since they grow up in a programmed environment, they expect their workplace to be similar to that as well—guided, appreciative, and regularly monitored. Although Millennials show great potential, they must be given proper attention and clear direction from their seniors.  This generation must be offered on-the-job training to be able to reach their full potential.

Due to the differences between the generations, there also exist some generational biases that affect their overall relationship.

Due to the differences between the generations, there also exist some generational biases that affect their overall relationship. According to Deborah Gilburg, “intergenerational conflicts arise primarily from the biases that each peer group has about the others. Individually, we may be unaware of the insidiousness of these biases. Left unacknowledged, they have a profound effect on our ability to recognize areas of compatibility and work toward common purposes.”

This kind of dynamic between generations blocks their full capacity to perform. As a result, it prevents the possibility of collaboration and building relationships in the workplace.


Check out: A Profile for Millennials


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