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God created wealth; therefore, it is not evil. God told Israel that He had given them the power to create wealth (Deut. 8:18). Moses wanted Israel to remember their God because of this reason. Also, this implied that God had the power to take the wealth away, especially if Israel turned away from the Lord. Since God can give and take wealth away, we cannot call it evil, not attribute every wealthy person to evil. 

Money is a sign of wealth—a partial representation of our net worth. It represents our wages after work and is also a form of support for the early church’s growth. St. Paul did not wish to burden the church, so he was a tentmaker. He was able to support his ministry through earning money from his craft (Act. 18:1-4). Looking at some of the ways people use money wisely, we can conclude that it is not evil. 

Does your understanding of money in the Scripture motivate you to make money or discourage you?  



Dear Lord,  

Thank you for the positive lessons I have learned about money. I’m grateful for the understanding that money is good and it’s your creation. I will make money and use it to serve you and others with your direction.  

In Jesus’ Name, Amen 



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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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