blog Prophecology



30 After Isaac finished blessing him, and Jacob had scarcely left his father’s presence, his brother Esau came in from hunting. (Genesis 27:30)

Who is the Hunter? 

Hunters and farmers both exist in the world of business. It is wise to ponder whether you will build your future being a hunter or a farmer.  Business is a game; you need to decide whether you will work on your business. Will you be a hunter or a farmer? Your decision has essential effects on building your business and what your future will look like.  

Hunters favor individual control, while farmers favor collaboration with other people. Think about it, and the farming business is based on planting and harvesting. The hunting business is based on killing and eating. The trouble with a hunting business is when the game is scarce; hunters eat anything.  

Why is the Hunter Poor? 

Hunters have more capacity than an opportunity because they are responsible for transacting and delivering. They spend very little time in their business day, that’s why they forget to plant seeds for the future. The hunter is poor because the hunter will eat anything when the game is scarce. A successful business requires both farming and hunting skills. You need to have a continuous supply of opportunities to exceed your capacity.  

When opportunities exceed capacity, two strategic things will happen. One, you’ll be pickier about what clients you’ll take on. Two, you’ll command premium pricing. The farmer experiences more creative freedom and sustained prosperity because they are cultivating the future of the business. You need to develop the discipline to boost your business—learn to farm and don’t hunt (Dawson, 2011). 




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Prophecology: The Podcast

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