


Money mindsets impact the way we handle our finances.  Sometimes, it’s the inability to part with the cash you have or the money you have in the bank. Devotion to money blinds people. It causes them to build walls around themselves so that other people cannot “get” to the money. Other times, they have a distrust of people. It causes them to disconnect and disengage with the people they love.

Consider this statement, “I saved that dollar—I will not spend that dollar.” In extreme cases, being too cautious may lead to stinginess. When one becomes miserly, they might even stop taking care of themselves, all for the sake of saving.  

Are you guilty of the following behavior? 

  • Unnecessary self-denial. How often have you seen your dad or mom refuse to buy new appliances even when they were a fire hazard because they didn’t want to spend money?
  • Chasing after “cheap” material that is low quality. Have you ever experienced depriving yourself of a decent pair of shoes when you knew you could afford to buy yourself a new pair?
  • Developing negative attitudes toward money spenders. Do you somewhat judge people just because they have “nice” things?
  • Eventual misery even in financial stability. Do you feel unsatisfied, despite having more than enough money in the bank?

When is enough money truly enough? Do you feel that when you save a certain amount that you can finally enjoy life? Who is someone you can turn to for mentoring and counsel regarding this money behavior before it becomes too destructive? 

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for the wisdom you are giving me in handling my finances. Let me trust and rest in Your provision and blessings.  

In Jesus’ Name, 




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