blog Prophecology



True Prosperity is in the Mind

Open your mind to prosperity and begin to understand fully what it means. Wealth can be attained mentally as well as physically. The first step, however, is to be open to it.

Some believe that Christians should not ask for prosperity in their lives. They feel guilty even for coming from a wealthy family. This is how most people are. They are experiencing financial difficulties due to a psychological block regarding prosperity. Some Christians believe that poverty is a Christian virtue and that being prosperous is wickedness or being a sinner.

Poverty is not considered a Christian virtue. Poverty is the root cause of the majority of problems. To open our minds to prosperity, we must abandon that ridiculous notion. Poverty is a curse, not a gift. Dr. Conwell stated in one of his lectures,

I say you ought to be rich. You have no right to be poor. To live and not be rich is a misfortune, and it is doubly a misfortune because you could have been rich and poor (Dr. Russell Conwell). 

Prosperity is not trying to force God to give you everything because everything has already been given to us. First, God has given man dominion over all things on Earth. He has already ensured our abundance. “Opening your mind to prosperity” means accepting the lot that has been bestowed upon us from the beginning. It declares that we have plenty in God regardless of our current financial situation.


Fighting the Fear of Lack

I started writing prosperity articles several decades ago, when I was living in one room. I felt foolish writing about prosperity, telling other people how to be prosperous, when I was living in just one room. But I realized that I must do something to open my mind to prosperity in order to get out of that room. It took me three years, but when I finally moved out, I found a lovely home. (Catherine Ponders, Open your Mind to Prosperity, pp. 16-17) 

Opening your mind to prosperity in the face of lack can have dramatic effects on your life, too. This was brought to my attention by those around me while I was writing my first book. After typing the first half of the manuscript, my secretary resigned. She explained that as she had typed the manuscript she had used the ideas in it, and her husband had been prospered so much in his sales work that she no longer needed the job! (Catherine Ponders, Open your Mind to Prosperity, pp. 17) 

Catherine Ponders witnessed it firsthand with the people who opened their minds to prosperity, as these are the same people who assisted her with her book on the laws of prosperity. After reading her manuscript, learning the true meaning of prosperity, and wholeheartedly accepting it as the way for prosperity to come into their lives, prosperity did indeed come to them.


Click here to read: OUR MIND IS OUR BANK


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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more.

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