blog Prophecology




Parental influence has a major impact on the beliefs of the children. Life skills, habits, and characteristics develop from childhood. Some human actions can only be attributed to a person’s upbringing. What a child sees and hears from their parents plays a huge role in shaping their mindset and worldview in adulthood. Any current money disorder you may have can be traced back to what you learned from your parents during childhood. King Solomon wrote, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will never depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6). There is a possibility of training a child with both negative and positive lessons. 

Have quiet time to observe your mentality and attitudes. Write down the ones you picked up from our parents. 


Divide them into negative and positive and work on how you can stop the negative attitudes and behaviors. 


Try and recall how your parents spend. Can you trace your spending habits to your upbringing? 


What money habit of your parents would you want to avoid, and why? 

Conversely, what money habit of your parents would you want to emulate, and why? 


Are you motivated to earn more because of your child, or do you feel your child is the reason you are financially struggling? 


Would you want your child to have the same money views and habits that you have? 



Mark Tabb wrote, “I’m no self-made man… I am who I am because of those who cared enough about me to touch my soul.” As an adult, any mindset has its history rooted in a past influence. Now, imagine how much parental influence can affect their child. The parent plays a significant role in their child’s growth, having been with them from childhood to puberty and young adulthood. The visible and invisible lessons a child gains tend to shape them into who they become as adults. 

Take time to think about who or what has influenced your money mindset? 


Do you see your child making some of your habits? 


 Are you pleased with the habits your child has picked up? 


How can you influence your child to drop these bad habits? 


Is there any habit, attitude, or circumstance that affected your parents so negatively that you vowed never to let it happen to you or your child? 


Are you keeping that vow? 


Right now, who has the most influence on you, and why? 


How can you break free from those who have a bad influence on you? 




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