blog Prophecology



Personal money management is a critical skill to have. Some of the people living paycheck to paycheck understand the need for financial growth. Some have sought to expand their knowledge through school, while others have sought better employment opportunities. At times, living off debt can open a person’s eyes.

In the HBO documentary, “Paycheck to Paycheck,” Katrina explains how one of her daughters once told her that she needed help. From her daughter’s eyes, Katrina was able to see the graveness of her financial situation and the implications it had on her family. She did what she felt was needed—sought help.

Most people who have never reached rock bottom may never understand the value of wealth, just like those who have never lived paycheck-to-paycheck may never understand the importance of saving. 

The paycheck-to-paycheck reality can be defeated, beginning with the mind. For as a man thinks, so is he (Prov. 23:7). For this reason, one has to beat the mentality of spending all of their salary and look to save for a rainy day. 

  • If you are often in the habit of procrastinating to meet obligations, why is this so? How can you put an end to this procrastination once and for all?  
  • What can you do to improve your mentality about money management? 
  • How strong is your desire to not be over-reliant on your paycheck? What imminent steps will you take to be less dependent on your paycheck? 


  • Knowing that you can shift the mindset of living from paycheck to paycheck, what is the next thing you can do? 
  • Knowing that you have money scripts to feed your worries, what is one thing you commit to doing this week?
  • Knowing that you can develop a more empowering money behavior, how does it change your perception of the future? 


Dear Lord, 

Thank you for my job and the other sources of income. I trust that you will open my eyes to different ways I can multiply my income.  

In Jesus’ Name, Amen! 


  • What is something you’ve learned from this chapter that you’ve never thought of or considered before? 




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