August 9, 2022 2023-04-05 19:14POSITIVE THINKING
Make Good Deposits
Positive thinking can have a positive impact on your life. Thoughts that help you build your self-confidence and self-esteem, like seeing yourself as kind, generous, caring, and compassionate, are good thoughts you can count on. Instead of telling yourself bad things, it would be much better and more helpful to tell yourself positive things. This will give you something good that you can store in your mind bank. Harmful deposits lead to harmful withdrawals. When someone says something wrong about you, you can do one of three things:
- You can let that wrong thought in and put a piece of plastic in your mind bank.
- Can you say no to that lousy word and turn it away before it gets into your mind?
- You can take what they say and turn it into something good by looking at it as constructive criticism, which will significantly help you.
What we let stick in our minds depends on the exact words and the truth at their heart. When we have a lot of good things in our minds, it’s easier to keep our self-esteem and confidence up, even when we’re going through hard times. We need to be proactive about positive thinking and putting good things in our mind bank so that we can counter any negative comments we may hear.
Click here to read: OUR MIND IS OUR BANK
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