Preached < Mentored


Preached < Mentored

Preached < Mentored

Mentors are valuable to the millennial generation.  At such an early age, they are able to discern what works for them and what doesn’t. They’ve been exposed to the idea that they have the power and the right to choose. Unlike with the former generations, wherein the young ones are either ruled to obey / follow orders; or they have no other choice.

Millennials find it easier to open up and share experiences, good or bad with their mentors because of their connection to them.

In this light, today’s youth prioritizes what they think will work best for them. Whether it be in a church setting or in work, the majority prefers to follow a mentor rather than a preacher. Why? Mentors are often seen to be more relatable and more approachable as compared to the preachers. Millennials find it easier to open up and share experiences, good or bad to their mentors because of their connection to them.

Instead of fear that is working, it is the respect and admiration for their mentors are the ones at play. It is important for today’s generation to know that they are valued. Acknowledge their efforts, appreciate their achievements, and just make them feel that what they are doing are part of a bigger goal, and they are doing an awesome job about it.

Acknowledge their efforts, appreciate their achievements, and just make them feel that what they are doing are part of a bigger goal, and they are doing an awesome job about it.

Now this is far from sugar-coating—because that won’t work either. What this ‘encouragement’ pertains to is more on the recognition part. As part of the society which takes care of the spiritual aspect of today’s youth, the church must be able to make the young ones feel that they are a valuable unit in the group, regardless of how big or small their contribution may be. You’ll never know where that simple ‘you did a great job’ comment will bring you.




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