

How can the prophetic church engage the new generation?

A new method of engagement from a 21st-century prophetic church can reach the millennial generation. This age group is very engaging. They are the most social among all the previous generations, if I may say. And along with that trait, they have also developed a different way of relating and reaching out to their peers. And this is where the older generations are lacking.

Find a way to understand how millennials work. Understand how their minds process and their values system are developed. Gone are the days when church members are bombarded with long hours of sermons and lectures, all about the same thing. It may have worked for you, but it definitely is not suitable for them.

This generation is very visual. Make them see themselves in the light of your message.

There are many ways to transform your message and teachings into a ‘package’ that would be appealing to today’s youth. The key to this is relatability. Please find a way to converse your message in a manner that will relate to them and encourage engagement. This generation is very visual. Make them see themselves in the light of your message. If they can connect with it, you are probably at around 50% done with your job.

We all agree that a church is an organization–and by that, I mean that we all need some systems and methods to function properly. But think about it, how many times have you engaged yourself in these ‘church activities’? Meetings, planning, team building, all those sorts of things. Now compare that to the number of hours you’ve spent on actually working with the community–feeding programs, learning activities for the out-of-school youth, livelihood education for single parents, and other similar activities that actually happen in the community. If you’ve spent more hours in the former than the latter, we have a big problem, especially in the eyes of the millennials.

Gone are the days when church members are bombarded with long hours of sermons and lectures…Please find a way to converse your message in a manner that will relate to them.

The church is considered to be a sanctuary in the community. This is where one finds support and refuge. But if the members spend more time thinking of the next activity rather than the actual program, it doesn’t make any sense.

Not generalizing, but there are many churches and similar religious organizations nowadays that are very ‘cliquey.’ Similar to high school scenarios where one who ‘does not belong’ will not be given a chance to sit and be with the ones in the clique.

In the church setting, cliques are more generic–those claiming to be loyal and true followers of the Word of the Lord and those who aren’t.

In the church setting, cliques are more generic–those claiming to be loyal and true followers of the Word of the Lord and those who aren’t. For instance, members of the LGBTQIA experience a lot of this alienation, most especially from the church. Since they don’t conform to the church’s standards, they tend to neglect this sector.

Earlier, we said that the church should be a haven for everybody. Mistreating someone just because they don’t fit the norms of the group is not proper. It is inhumane, very judgmental and will decrease the level of engagement.

The Bible teaches us to love one another as to how we love our Savior, so let us make an effort to adhere to the teachings of the Lord.

The prophetic church is a non-profit organization, and it should remain as is for as long as we all shall live. But it is also a fact that the church has active financial traffic. Donations from members come every so often, and those should be intended for the social functions of the prophetic church.

Money is one of the major sources of temptation, and whether we admit it or not, corruption in institutions where a large flow of money happens is inevitable. This concern spreads easily like wildfire and thus, becomes a root for distrust within the group. The millennial generation is susceptible to this. They may be very trusting but once you break it, consider yourself a goner.

One way to keep their trust and engagement is transparency. Make an effort, double it, if possible, to ensure that check systems are in place within the church. Publish financial reports, engage everyone from the start on how to allocate your financial resources, be open to questions.


Check out: Church Faux Paus Millennials Hate


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