August 18, 2022 2023-04-05 19:14PREPARATION
The Failure to Prepare
Preparation is an essential step in accomplishing goals. In the cycle of life, one decision affects another. What you do today will determine the course that is available to you tomorrow. As mentioned earlier, before a time of harvest is the season of preparation. Missing any of these two essential seasons could spell some problems for you in the future. Let us say, for example, that you decided to skip college and find a job instead.
Your mindset is that you want to make money now to get what you want in life sooner. You quickly take any job that can sustain your current lifestyle. You buy nice things and go out with your friends often. In the present, you must be living without a care, with the way of life you’ve always wanted. After ten years of doing the same routine over and over, you find yourself to be a 35-year-old man, married, with one child, and stuck in a job that you can’t advance from without a college degree.
At this point, you realize that you missed something utterly essential for your growth. In skipping the season, you thought you could advance to what you desired faster, but you limited yourself to what you wanted most in life. Do not attempt to harvest what you have not planted in the first place.
The worst part is that since the time for further studies has now passed, the factors that could allow you to go back to studying might not be there anymore. You have already missed the opportune time to get your college degree. This doesn’t mean that all hope is lost for you, for hope is only lost if you give up, but it does mean that getting the things you need will be much more complicated.
While it is true that some modern-day millionaires have cut corners and still attained the riches that they now have, the critical difference between them and the example posed above is that, although they chose to live in a different season, they still used it as productively as possible.
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